Sunday, March 04, 2007

Do you want to be an expert?

I have now been coaching for over twelve years and have only been asked about my professional qualifications less than five times. What's even more unbelievable is that each of these five clients were one time meetings or only a few sessions at best.

Whether it has been a professional or college team, individual athletes, or corporate clients, I have never been asked to provide my professional qualifications. Looking back as to why this is, I discovered it all is about clarity.

Knowing how to clearly communicate with potential clients can immediately cause you to be viewed as an expert. It will help to move them from a position of confusion to a state of confidence.

So how can you provide clarity?
  1. Make sure that your message is not wrapped around clutter- the shorter the better
  2. Present your message in a way that others will hear it and identify with what you are saying- identify an area of struggle, communicate what solution you provide, give a supporting case study/story
  3. REMEMBER it is about the other person and not about you!