- Are you READY to live your best life?
Everyone WANTS to live their best life but when it comes down to it, most people actually fear living their best life. Why? Because that means something will change which means we get pushed out of our comfort zone. Even if that zone is not always positive! - Are you WILLING to explore all of your options?
Most people only think they have actually reviewed all of their options available in order to live the life that they deserve. However, the only real way to do so is to work with another individual. The problem is that most people do not want others to know their personal situation and would rather focus on someone or something else. - Are you ABLE to accept complete support?
Life Rule- We all like advice but at the same time do not necessarily want another person telling us what to do. Another way of asking this question is how truly coachable are you right now? If not, why not? What do you not want others to know about you?
Friday, March 02, 2007
3 Questions You Must Answer If You Want Change
I came across these three questions today while looking for a specific resource for one of my clients. If you desire change in your life, ask yourself the following questions. If you answer 'no' to any of them, go deeper and ask yourself 'why'?