Thursday, October 30, 2008

6 Core Values of Succesful Coaches and Trainers

Coaching today's athletes requires a different approach than it did twenty years ago. In our Sports Axiology Course we discuss your core values in coaching and are they serving your program or are they hindering it?Below are six core values of the top successful coaches and trainers:

  1. Babysitting the greatness in athletes OR Challenge the athlete to be great
  2. 'Do as I say' OR 'Let me figure out how I can best help you'
  3. Coaching for results OR Coaching an athlete how to leverage their strengths
  4. Fear-based coaching OR Designing a training environment for the player to take risks
  5. Dictating to players how they should act OR Being a model of who you want them to be
  6. 'Make it in..' mindset OR 'Beat it by' mindset

What coaching shifts have you made in order to help realize more potential in your players?