- Game Intelligence- very good
- Sense of Game Reality- very good
- Emotional Control- very good
- Understanding Others- very good
- Interpersonal Harmony- (-100%) growth area
- Interpersonal Conflict- (+ 100%) excellent
The scores above reflect a player with great mind speed and will not let his emotions clould his decision making on the field. While he can read others very well, he will not praise them for good efforts and will magnify the negative. In other words, he has extremely high expectations of others.
- Understanding Practical Team Actions- very good
- Team Orientation- low good
- Attitude toward team failure- fair to good
- Understanding Discipline, Rules, & game Plan- very good
- Attitude toward authority- very good
- Attitude toward rule breaking- very good
The scores above reflect that he clearly understands cause & effect action aspects of the game. However, he is not overly involved with his team as indicated by a lower score in Team Orientation. When the team loses/fails, he overlooks it due to the fact that he personally has not contributed to the team due to injury. He is coachable, respects authority, and could never imagine 'throwing a game' on purpose no matter how bad his team is losing.
Okay let's now briefly look at a few of his results in his self view (his thinking as it relates to who he is, the roles he plays, his vision, and personal code):
- Understanding of self-worth- fair
- Sense of Self Reality- growth area
- Emotional self control- growth area
- Overall Self Attitude- fair to good
These scores would make sense given this young man has been dealing with an injury and is unsure of his soccer career. The good news is that he is still anticipates a positive future.
- Desire for Self Development- good
- Developing Personal Potential (attitude score)- very good
These attributes combine to measure Competitive Fire. Emotionally he thinks he is in the process of developing his potential and truly wants to continue to improve his game and himself.
- Game Role Awareness- fair to good
- Game Role Satisfaction- fair
These scores indicate he is not very sure of the role/position he needs to play in order to achieve his goals. In addition, due to his injury it would make sense that his level of personal satisfaction be low.
- Sports Self Identity- fair to good
- Mental Toughness- good
- Attitude towards Personal Growth- good
These scores reflect a strong level of uncertainty of personal game performance goals and how to best go about pursuing them. Again due to injury, this would make sense as injuries are most of the time beyond the athletes control. He has an objective view of himself in terms of the definition of his game identity. But due to his uncertainty of his future, he presently struggles with feeling a strong sense of belonging in the world of soccer.
- Intuition- fair
- Concentration- very good to excellent
- Stress Resistance- fair to good
These scores reflect that he presently would have a difficult time 'feeling his way' through the game (intuition) and struggle with coping with pressure. However, he has a strong ability to focus on the task at hand in times of high stress.
This young man is spending the majority of his thinking in his 'world view' and less in his 'self view'. This pattern is common in athletes trying to come back from an injury. Overall, this player has great potential and just needs a solid 'inner game plan' during his pre-season. Additional suggestions include:
- Start to build his self-confidence by getting a lot of touches on the ball.
- Ensure that there is quality communication between the coaching staff and the player; i.e. a daily feedback debrief on the quality of his training and play for each day
- Ask him specific questions throughout practice as to why he made the decisions that he did. This will get him to start to reflect more on himself, his own actions, and his self-worth.
- He will also begin to improve his self-confidence since his respect for authority is high and this type of personal attention will continue to build self-belief
- Co-create specific goals with him built around expectations and performance moving forward
- Because he is more focused in the 'world view', work through this present strength and have him coach during a small sided game. This will keep him feeling that he is a part of his team and contributes to their success.
Above are just a few example strategies of developing this player's 'Inner Game Plan' based on the results of his current profile. He will take the profile again in two months and specific adjustments can be made in order to best release his inner potential.