Wednesday, September 12, 2007

How do you match up to THIS survey?

According to Markus Buckingham:
  • 60% of people feel an emotional high once per week
  • 70% of people play to their strengths once per week

If you fall into either one of these two catagories then I have some encouraging news for you...

It is 100% possible for you to dramatically affect both of these numbers mentioned above! But how?

Step back and re-evaluate the following:

  • your individual strengths and weaknesses
  • create a clear description of your present working environment
  • list your top three daily stressors- job and personal
  • identify your teammates on the job- how do they support you and vice versa?

Once you have gotten clarity around each of these then sit back and ask the last two questions...

  1. What is missing here?
  2. What is the number one negative that I can immediately eliminate?