The world of sports is obsessed with talent. In fact, it is most evident in youth sports! How many times have you heard a dad or mom say 'my child has talent and could even be the next future star'?
But just what does talent mean? Take a few minutes to work through the following exercises to help you build clarity around what talent means to you.
- How do you define talent?
- What about having talent is important to you?
- Think of the most successful athlete that you have worked with. How did talent affect their success? Where there any other attributes that also contributed to their success?
- Now think of an athlete that you know who has tremendous talent but has yet to be successful? Name three key qualities that prevented this person from achieving their best?
When it comes to talent, there are three main areas to focus on:
- Identify talent
- Recruit talent
- Develop talent
Just about everyone accomplishes the first two but stops there. It is number three that truly defines the good coaches from the great coaches.
After having answered the questions above, ask yourself what steps are you taking to develop your talented athletes both physically and mentally?