Today I posted an article on the importance of play in workouts. Check it out at http://www.athletebydesign.blogspot.com/.
Discover Your Personal Best- How can you be happier than you are now? How can you play your best more often? What is your best self even look like? Exactly what are your strengths? Are you even using them? These are just a few of the questions that we can help you answer so that you can be an everyday champion!
Yesterday I posted on 'Understanding Intrinsic Value'. Today I came across this video that portrays exactly what instrinsic value is all about!
This young many truly inspires all of us to go after our dreams no matter what obstacles stand in our way!
Intrinsic value questions relating to one's world view (empathy) include:
Intrinsic value questions relating to one's self view (self-esteem) include:
Below is a sample chart comparing one's strengths and weakness in the extrinsic value:
Scenario #2
The same as scenario #1 and you communicate with your teammate in the following way:
Will You Go the Extra Mile?
If scenario #1 sounds most like you, then you most likely highly value interpersonal harmony. This answers the question what are your realistic expectations of your coaches and teammates?
Athlete's with this strength are usually considered a team player, concerned for others, strong communicator, and enjoy interacting with their teammates.
How Realistic Are You?If scenario #2 sounds most like you, then you most likely give much attention to interpersonal conflict. This answers the question how well can you handle mistakes made when relying on your teammates?
Athlete's who have a high positive attitude score here generally tend to magnify the mistakes and faults of others, even to the point where a loss is instantly blamed on someone else. Has this ever happened to you?
The Choice Is Yours
These are just two attributes that help to define an individual's decision making pattern. No matter which scenario sounded most like you, the goal is to first identify your present mindset. Then find out if that decision making pattern is working for you or not.
Take a few minutes and ask yourself the following questions:
Just about everyone accomplishes the first two but stops there. It is number three that truly defines the good coaches from the great coaches.
After having answered the questions above, ask yourself what steps are you taking to develop your talented athletes both physically and mentally?