If you have not already done so, I would like to challenge you to take the time to identify your values that are important to you.
Why? Because the pattern of taking action looks like the diagram above. Most people start at the Thoughts/Beliefs/Feelings part of the cycle but remain frustrated with the outcome of not achieving their full potential or getting their desired results.
At the end of the day, what we value directly influences what we do and the choices that we make. So how do you identify yourself? What is it that you personally value in life? What are the three or four life changing moments for you that helped to shape your personal values?
Starting to build clarity around your personal values will directly affect your ability to make clear decisions in your life. Most people can intuitively guess what their natural strengths are as they relate to others.
However, take a little more time and dig a little deeper when reflecting on how you value yourself. If you are like me, it is more likely that our self identity is based on what we do in life and the roles that we play rather than just who we are.
The goal is to identify with both of these areas (the DOING and the BEING). The ulitmate outcome for you will be adding more meaning to your life and making key decisions much easier.